Estás en Uruguay  Uruguayan center  Pando 

Overview of Pando

Pando is a Uruguayan city located in the department of Canelones, about 20 km northeast of Montevideo.

The city is in the heart of an agricultural region surrounded by hills and streams, and has a population of around 25,000.

Among the tourist attractions of Pando are the Plaza Artigas, the Cultural and Exhibition Center, and the Railway Museum, which is located in an old train station.

In addition, the city is known for its music and dance festivals, such as the National Folklore Festival and the Tango Festival.

To get to Pando from Montevideo, you can take Route 8, which is about 5 km south of the city, or the Interbalnearia Route, which is about 10 km to the east. There are also bus services from Montevideo and other nearby cities.

Regarding its location, Pando is located in the south-central zone of Uruguay, about 20 km northeast of Montevideo and about 60 km west of the city of Rocha, on the Atlantic coast.

The city is surrounded by hills and cultivated fields, and is close to several protected areas, such as the Laguna del Sauce Nature Reserve and the Cerro Pan de Azúcar Nature Reserve.

See more about the location of Pando

See also information on Artigas, Montevideo, Rocha y Canelones.

Places to visit in Pando

Tourism notes in Pando

Pando, el escape perfecto cerca de Montevideo

Pando es una ciudad en el departamento de Canelones en Uruguay, ubicada a unos 25 km al noreste de Montevideo. Es una ciudad tranquila con hermosos parques y atractivos históricos que son perfectos para una escapada de fin de semana. Uno de los principales atractivos turísticos de Pando es su Plaza Artigas, que se encuentra en el centro de la ciudad. Esta hermosa plaza es un lugar popular para los residentes locales y visitantes por igual, con su impresionante f...
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