Estás en Uruguay  Uruguayan center  Las Piedras 

History of Las Piedras

The city of Las Piedras is located in the department of Canelones, Uruguay.

The history of Las Piedras dates back to the time of Spanish colonization, when the region was inhabited by indigenous Charrúas.

The city was founded in 1744, and during the colonial era it was an important commercial and leather production center.

During the War of Independence, Las Piedras was the scene of the Battle of Las Piedras, in which an army led by General Artigas defeated Spanish troops, which marked the beginning of the fight for the independence of the country.

Currently, Las Piedras is a city with an important commercial activity and a wide cultural offer. Among its tourist attractions are the Parque Artigas, the Plaza de la Libertad and the Cathedral of San Isidro Labrador.

In addition, the city is known for its gastronomy, especially for its barbecue and its empanadas.

See more about the history of Las Piedras

See also information on Artigas, Canelones y Libertad.

Places to visit in Las Piedras

Tourism notes in Las Piedras

Parques, vinos y mucho más en Las Piedras

Las Piedras es una ciudad del departamento de Canelones, ubicada a solo 20 kilómetros al sur de Montevideo. Se encuentra en una zona industrial, y la ciudad cuenta con atractivos turísticos interesantes que vale la pena conocer. Una de las atracciones más importantes de Las Piedras es el Parque Artigas. Este hermoso parque es el corazón de la ciudad y cuenta con áreas verdes, canchas deportivas, una pista de patinaje y una plaza de juegos pa...
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