Estás en Uruguay  Uruguayan center  Canelones 

History of Canelones

Canelones is a department located in the south of Uruguay, in the metropolitan region of Montevideo.

Its name is due to the cannons used by General José Gervasio Artigas in the Battle of Las Piedras in 1811.

In pre-Columbian times, the region was inhabited by the Charrúas, an indigenous people who hunted, fished, and gathered fruit.
Later, during the Spanish colonization, the area was used for the production of wine and olive oil.

In the 19th century, with the arrival of the railway, an important economic and demographic development began in the region, which was consolidated in the 20th century with the creation of the Carrasco international airport and the construction of numerous residential neighborhoods.

Today, Canelones is an important tourist center, with a wide variety of natural, historical, and cultural attractions, such as the Wine Route, the Santa Teresa National Park, the beaches of Atlántida and La Floresta, and the city of Las Piedras. , among others.
In addition, it is known for its production of wine, olive oil and cheeses, which are exported all over the world.

See more about how to get to Canelones

See also information on Artigas, Montevideo y Las Piedras.

Places to visit in Canelones

Tourism notes in Canelones

Descubriendo Canelones, un paseo por la ciudad y sus alrededores.

Canelones es una ciudad en el sur de Uruguay, ubicada en el departamento de Canelones, a unos 40 kilómetros al norte de Montevideo. Es una ciudad rodeada de belleza natural, con una gran cantidad de parques y atracciones turísticas cercanas. Además, la ciudad en sí misma cuenta con algunos sitios interesantes para visita...
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Más Alojamiento en Canelones:
Seguinos en:
Las Piedras
Minas de Corrales
Paso de los Toros
San Carlos
San Gregorio de Polanco
Santa Lucia
Treinta y Tres
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