Estás en Uruguay  Beaches of Uruguay  Rocha 

History of Rocha

The history of the city of Rocha dates back to the 18th century, when the region was inhabited by indigenous Charrúas and Arachanes. In 1783, the Spanish governor of Montevideo, Francisco Javier de Elío, founded the town of San Carlos at the mouth of the San Carlos stream, in the current department of Maldonado. However, the town suffered several attacks by the natives and was abandoned shortly after.

In 1793, the Spanish governor of the Río de la Plata, Pedro de Melo, ordered the foundation of the town of San Fernando de la Rocha on the current site of the city of Rocha. The new town was named in honor of the then viceroy of the Río de la Plata, Francisco Javier de Elío, Count of La Rocha. The villa was intended to protect the region from attacks by the natives and the Portuguese, who controlled the region east of the Uruguay River.

During the War of Independence, the town of Rocha was the scene of several battles between the royalist forces and the patriotic forces led by José Artigas. After the independence of Uruguay in 1825, Rocha became an important commercial and port center, thanks to its location on the east coast of the country. In the 1960s, the city experienced significant tourism growth, thanks to its beautiful beaches and rich cultural history.

Today, the city of Rocha is an important tourist and commercial center, with a rich history that is reflected in its historic buildings and cultural traditions. The city is known for its gastronomy, its festivals and its beaches, which attract tourists from all over the world.

See more about the history of Rocha

See also information on Artigas, Melo, Maldonado, Montevideo y San Carlos.

Places to visit in Rocha

Tourism notes in Rocha

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