Estás en Uruguay  Litoral of Uruguay  Cardona 

History of Cardona

Cardona is a city located in the department of Soriano, in western Uruguay.

Founded in 1780, its name comes from the Guarani word "Karai don", which means "Great Lord" and refers to an indigenous chief of the region.

During the 19th century, Cardona became an important commercial and port center thanks to navigation on the Uruguay River.

In 1855 the Cardona bridge was built, linking the cities of Cardona and Mercedes and became a milestone in the country's history.

Currently, Cardona is known for its historic bridge, its carnival, and its citrus and blueberry production.

See places to visit in Cardona

See also information on Mercedes.

Places to visit in Cardona

Tourism notes in Cardona

Cardona, historia y encanto a orillas del Río Negro

Ubicada a unos 150 km de Montevideo y a orillas del río Negro, la ciudad de Cardona es un destino turístico ideal para aquellos que buscan descubrir la historia y la belleza natural de Uruguay. Con su encanto colonial y sus paisajes de río y campo, Cardona ofrece una experiencia única para los visitantes. Uno de los mayo...
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